The Go Kart Guru has a 100% money back guarantee on all products that are purchased on this site. If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with the content, and feel that the money spent was not worth the information provided, you will get your money back, no questions asked.
We have a three fold guarantee:
1. If you were not able to learn anything, or use any of the information provided in these materials we will give you your money back!
2. If you were not able to get the go kart put together, not able to get it to drive, because the ebooks provided did not help you. You will get your money back!
3. If you think that all the information provided to you was something you could have come up with yourself, that the Go Kart Guru was not really providing you with new information, you will get your money back.
You have nothing to lose if you get these books. If they do not provide you with the information you need to put together a head turner of a go kart, all you have to do is ask for your money back!
The Go Kart Guru