Go Kart Performance Programs
- Go Kart Dynamometer Program:
What Horsepower does my go kart really have? - Go Kart Performance Program:
If I put 25 hp engine on my go kart how will it perform? Will the tires spin or will it vault me into my seat? - Fly By Program:
How fast does my go kart really go?

Go Kart Engineering Design Programs
- Center of Gravity Program:
Where does my designs center of gravity sit? Do I have the optimum 50/50 weight distribution? - Stress Program:
How strong is my frame will it hold up?
Go-Kart Performance Program
The Go-Kart Performance Program is a great tool for predicting what the performance of your go kart will be. It is quite fun to play with the gear ratios, rpms, and HP to figure out what the go kart will do for 1/4 mile drags.
To use this program note that the items above the button are variables (things you can change). As you can see there are a lot of variables. I would suggest that you play with the program and see how things change. For example: change the HP to 12 and the weight of the person to 300.
What does the final analysis say?
To Run Program:
To run the program enter your desired weights, gear ratios horsepower and distance data and press the button for the program to run the analysis. (All data is currently defaulted in the program, so all you have to do is press “Calculate”)
All the results are below the “calculate button.”
The program is set up so all you have to do is put in the number of teeth on the sprockets and it automatically calculates the pitch diameters for you!
Analysis Data Explaination
The program is set up to simulate a 200 foot run using a 5 horsepower motor.The time it takes for example to go 200 feet from a dead stop is 6.84 seconds.
The theoretical zero to sixty time is given as well, to give you an idea, just how fast your go kart would be.
And finally, the last comment in the program is an evaluation of of how much power the go kart has. Will the gokart just sit there and spin the tires?!