Go Kart Guru Specials


Instant Download Bundles
Go Kart Building Bundle
10 E-Books and Program

+ Free Go Kart Plans and Super Chargers Manual…


I just ordered your Go Kart Building Bundle, and I am very impressed!

As a mechanical engineer, I am very familiar with all the engineering calculations you included and really appreciate what a thorough job you did compiling all this information into a single bundle.

Twenty four dollars is a very reasonable price for all the work you put into these plans.  Thanks for keeping the price so low.

Thanks again,
David,  PhD, PE
Mechanical Engineering

Go Kart Super Mega Bundle– 10 E-Books
– Free Go Kart Plans
– Wood Go Kart Books
– Wood Go Kart Plan
– Drive Program10 E-Books and Program

+ Free Go Kart Plans and Super Chargers Manual…
+ Wood Go Kart Books

Caleb Coupe Bundle
(Big Go-Kart from God Bless the Broken Road Movie)

Ethan Speedster Bundle
(Bree Go Kart from God Bless the Broken Road Movie)



These specials have different go karts in mind.

– First the Wood Go Kart Bundle has the esentials for making a wood go kart in mind plus drive train books, both the 201 and the 202 (vertical engine drive book).

– Second the Go Kart Building Bundle has the much needed information required for putting together a solid metal framed go kart.

– Third, the combo-Go Kart Building Bundle and The Wood Bundle gives you a wide range of design options and will enable you to build a go kart either out of wood or steel.

As with all our products they are 100% guaranteed, so if you are not completely satisfied then you will get your money back no questions asked.


Free Go Kart Building Information

Because there is such a wide variety of information that is necessary for go karts, we are constantly updating it and getting ready to publish more books.

Get a jump start on that information through these resources:

X.com Get the daily scoop on what the go kart guru is working on.   See what is coming down the pike.
E_Magazine  Get information that is not available on the internet, free downloads, videos and mp3s.  Sign up now.
Blog  The problems that most running into when developing a homemade go kart are discussed on this site.  Some very helpful tips are available here.


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